Remote Assessments FAQ

Are ERGOhealthy Remote Assessments effective for both work from home and traditional employees?

Since 2006 we have been conducting remote ergonomic assessments for both work-from-home and traditional office environments.  With our ERGOhealthy Coaches available for up to six months, we find that people benefit greatly by having their own “personal ergonomic coach.”

Why should we be concerned about proper ergonomics for work from home and traditional offices?

Although OSHA doesn’t require a company’s safety review of an employee’s home office, there even more pressing reasons to help employees prevent musculoskeletal injuries.  Some studies have reported that nearly 7 out of every ten “office workers” experience discomfort.  With the increase in work from home and remote environments, and the advent of social media, smart phones, and other computer-related devices, posture and ergonomics are affecting nearly every working person.  Health care costs and workers’ compensation costs are two areas most affected – where nearly 40% of workers’ compensation injuries reported are musculoskeletal strains and sprains.

What is the impact of sedentary work and lifestyles?

Studies indicate that inactivity can disrupt DNA repair mechanisms, and that prolonged stationary sitting or standing can impact health.  Our ERGOhealthy Coaches are well versed on the subject and know that according to the research that movement (taking intermittent breaks) and good posture are the keys to ergonomic well-being.

Why are “office” workers impacted by ergonomics?

Although “office” work is not considered “high-hazard” we believe that the proliferation of social networking and other sedentary activities has dramatically increase the amount of time in sedentary environments.

Can ergonomics improve effectiveness and productivity?

Numerous studies show that effective ergonomic improvements can reduce discomfort and pain, and increase productivity.

Can effective ergonomics prevent musculoskeletal injuries and disabilities?

Improvements in posture and work environments result in reduced potential for musculoskeletal injuries and disabilities.

Can ergonomics assessments improve injury outcomes?

Faster return to work and reduced injury and disability outcomes are found when incorporating an effective ergonomics program.

Will this save my company money? Could this have a positive impact on WC and health insurance costs?

Effective safety and ergonomics programs can provide insurance cost savings in the way of credits, and there is the improved impression on workers’ compensation carriers that an organization is making effort to improve itself.

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