Prolonged standing in the industrial workplace has workers performing their job just like an endurance athlete. The advantage appears to allow the worker to be more mobile and to be able to move around and get more things accomplished. In theory, it promotes more freedom, efficiency, and productivity.
However, based on research, a review of prolonged standing in the workplace revealed that workers productivity and efficiency actually declined. The health effects and work related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) are creating higher worker compensation costs, lost workdays and lowering employee morale as well as increasing numerous health risks. Stress, both mental and physical can deter a workforce.
Here are ten steps you can do to maximize your health, productivity and safety at work.
1. Use an ANTI-FATIGUE MAT – this reduces muscle tension in the lower back, legs and feet.
2. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER – Muscles need water to recover
3. EAT HEALTHY MEALS – they give you energy to do the job
4. TAKE YOUR BREAKS – SIT DOWN – PUT YOUR FEET UP – skipping breaks leads to both mental and physical fatigue
5. STRETCH – to increase range of motion
6. STEP STOOL – put one leg up to take stress off lower back. Shift your weight.
7. WEAR SAFETY GOGGLES – protect your eyes
8. WEAR EAR PROTECTORS – protect your hearing
9. WATCH YOUR POSTURE – stand up straight as much as possible.
10. BREATHE – when stressed, we all tend to hold our breath. Remember to breathe and it will help your mind stay more alert, increase oxygen to the muscles and keep you focused and more relaxed.
Remember to drink PLENTY OF WATER. (Your body is 70% water) Hydrate, hydrate and hydrate. This can’t be said enough. A major reason for fatigue is dehydration.
Kate Montgomery
ERGOhealthy Coach
For more ergonomic and healthy solutions, go to
Resource: A review on health effects associated with prolonged standing in the industrial workplaces by Isa Halim & Abdul Rahman Omar, Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, University Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.
This article was written and published in the April 2013 edition of Die Casting Industry Links Magazine. Author Kate Montgomery.