Tablet Use and Neck Muscles

Tablet Use and Neck Muscles Recent research at Washington State University identified a greater incidence of neck muscle strain while using a tablet compared to sitting with the head in a neutral position. Participants were tested in multiple positions while reading and typing for 2 to 5 minutes. They study was designed to help evaluate…

Walking: the Workout of a Lifetime

There are lot of ways people exercise today – whether it’s swimming, hiking, biking, martial arts, running, gardening, aerobics & other classes, yoga, weightlifting, and numerous sporting activities.  Given the number of options, however, experts say that “walking is a superfood” of fitness.  According to Katy Bowman, author and scientist, walking is the “defining movement…

Cost Effective Ergonomics = Reduction in RSI Injury = Health Solutions

Reading a recent article in MONEY magazine (Sept. 2013), it was great to see ergonomics being highlighted.  According to the article, musculoskeletal injury, “costs are out of control”; however, simple prevention tools are available. The goal of ergonomics is to help you create your best posture to be able to work without pain and strain to your…

Stress Reduction in the Workplace ~ Openly Communicate

Stress in the workplace affects productivity.  Whether it is the challenge to work faster, deliver the goods quicker, complete projects on schedule, it can eventually affect the workers mental, emotional and physical well-being.  The other goal is to insure that a workforce keeps working and that jobs are filled.  To do this an approach that…

Are Health Costs Rising With A More Sedentary Workforce

With the advent of technology, is it now a contributing factor to rising health risks and costs to the employer? A recent article posted from the Management Liability Insights Conference in Advisen FPN.  “A decision this summer by the American Medical Association to classify obesity as a disease, instead of a condition, has heightened concerns…

Canadian Study ~ Wellness Programs Work to Reduce MSD’s in the Workplace

A Canadian Government Department was studied for four years on a comprehensive workplace wellness program to reduce the severity of musculoskeletal disorders. The findings were astounding. The Healthy LifeWorks Program evaluated a total of 233 employees. The RESULTS: • Approximately 10% decrease in the 12 month prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders, ranging from 4% hip/thigh problems and 12% lower…

Nurturing Your Over-Used and Stressd out Digits

Statistics from the Bureau of Labor indicate repetitive motion injuries of the hands and fingers are now coming from a referral of constant hammering on your cell phone ~ and may lead to an average of 20 days or more a year away from work.  Your repetitive muscle movements (calling and possibly more than 5000…