Global Ergonomics Month: Are you ERGOhealthy?

With the recent celebration of Global Ergonomics Month, here are some reminder tips for things you can do to remain ERGOhealthy: Integrate walking as part of your fitness plan. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends at least 2.5 hours (150 minutes) of activity each week. For most adults, this amount of physical activity can…

Tips for Musicians, Golfers, Quilters, and…

This month’s tip comes from Kate Montgomery, an ERGOhealthy Coach and author.  She shares with us her insights for various professions, hobbies, and sports: No matter what your occupation, sport or hobby, the 12-step Montgomery Method™ can help you to maintain stronger grip strength, and reduce or eliminate the pain in your arms, wrists and…

Cut down on watching television to extend life!

Adults in the United States spend more than half of their waking hours in sedentary pursuits such as television viewing, computer use, or driving. According to new research published this month in the Journal of the American Heart Association, adults who watch three or more hours of television per day have double the risk of…

Exercise is the best preventive drug

Over the last several years numerous articles about importance of exercise have come to light.   In addition, research is pointing to a strong association between sitting and chronic disease.  Driving automobiles, watching television and movies, hours spent on computers, tablets, and smartphones, and in the past few years online social networking and gaming… keeps…

ERGOhealthy Gardening Tips

ERGO Being’s Gardening Tips   When it’s time to get outdoors and enjoy your free time remember to practice good ergonomics and proper postures. Discomfort is controllable so change those habits and attitudes to be a happier, healthier, and more relaxed gardener!  Be conscientious about potentially awkward positions and movements and avoid twisting and bending…

Cost Effective Ergonomics = Reduction in RSI Injury = Health Solutions

Reading a recent article in MONEY magazine (Sept. 2013), it was great to see ergonomics being highlighted.  According to the article, musculoskeletal injury, “costs are out of control”; however, simple prevention tools are available. The goal of ergonomics is to help you create your best posture to be able to work without pain and strain to your…

Stress Reduction in the Workplace ~ Openly Communicate

Stress in the workplace affects productivity.  Whether it is the challenge to work faster, deliver the goods quicker, complete projects on schedule, it can eventually affect the workers mental, emotional and physical well-being.  The other goal is to insure that a workforce keeps working and that jobs are filled.  To do this an approach that…

Are Health Costs Rising With A More Sedentary Workforce

With the advent of technology, is it now a contributing factor to rising health risks and costs to the employer? A recent article posted from the Management Liability Insights Conference in Advisen FPN.  “A decision this summer by the American Medical Association to classify obesity as a disease, instead of a condition, has heightened concerns…